Fitzgerald Birthday Event: September 24, 2022
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Join our online event here: https://marylandlibraries.zoom.us/j/91601637359?pwd=di9JT0ZVdjNmWHlKcTdwSTNKTUkxQT09
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In terms of its critical reception and reputation among both readers and critics, The Beautiful and Damned is the ugly stepchild of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s full-length fictional offspring. This is graphically apparent when one notes how often its title has been incorrectly cited as The Beautiful and the Damned. Viewed from our present vantage of being able to see the full span of its author’s career, The Beautiful and Damned is in the unfortunate position of following the sensational critical and popular success of This Side of Paradise (1920) and preceding its author’s two most highly regarded novels, The Great Gatsby (1925) and Tender Is the Night (1934). Today, as we observe the centenary of its publication, it has begun to receive the sort of attention it has long deserved, most prominently in the publication in September by Louisiana State University Press of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned: New Critical Essays. On the occasion of Fitzgerald’s 127th birthday, join the three editors of that collection, each Fitzgerald specialists, in a discussion of Fitzgerald’s “other” novel.

A Discussion
William Blazek, Kirk Curnutt, and David W. Ullrich
Editors of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned: New Critical Essays

William Blazek is associate professor in American Literature at Liverpool Hope University. He is a founding co-editor of The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review and has served on the executive board of the Fitzgerald Society since 2008. He recently edited the Oxford World’s Classics edition of The Beautiful and Damned and, in addition to co-editing F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned: New Critical Essays, he has co-edited two additional essay collections, American Mythologies (2005) and Twenty-First-Century Readings of Tender Is the Night (2007). His recent publications include essays on F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Edith Wharton.
Kirk Curnutt is professor and chair of English at Troy University. Most recently, he wrote the introduction and notes to the Oxford World’s Classics edition of Flappers and Philosophers and will do so as well for the centennial edition of All the Sad Young Men. He also edited All of the Belles: The Montgomery Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (2020) for New South Books, which collects Fitzgerald’s three stories about Tarleton, Georgia, and has co-edited a collection with Sara Kosiba on the Fitzgeralds in the South, forthcoming in 2023. He is the author of The Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald (2007) and serves as managing editor of The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review as well as executive director of the Fitzgerald Society.